#4 of 15: Investing in sales and advertising overlooking the essential 5 (+1) drivers for sales success.

Subash Franklin
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2023


15 uncomfortable questions CEOs, Founders, CFOs, CMOs, and CROs Need to Ask Before Spending a dime on growth, sales and advertising

If you’re struggling with #leads, securing meetings, or achieving consistent #sales then recruiting more salespeople or increasing #marketing and #advertising may not be the immediate solution.

Before investing more money, consider evaluating the following 5+1 parameters within your business.

1) Is your business selling to solve a Bleeding-Neck Money Drain problem:

Choose a target market (the more commoditized, the more difficult it is to sell) with financial resources and decent profit margins.
Make sure the problem you address is important to them.

Assess their financial capacity, commitment, and awareness of the consequences of not acting on the problem, or what they will miss if they don’t act

Pro Tip: If you are selling a discretionary product, it should be framed in a way that is important.

2) Is your solution unique and fills the gaps:

Focus on the gaps your prospects are experiencing.

Highlight why their current efforts fall short and how your product eliminates customer struggles.

Explore the pre-, during, post-consumption, and disposal stages for untapped opportunities at the category and industry level to build product differentiation.

Pro Tip: Go beyond product-level gaps and examine the entire customer journey.

3) Do you have Overwhelming Proof of what you are selling:

Showcase success stories, case studies, testimonials, and data.
Demonstrate your track record of achievements.

Provide before-and-after results that solidify trust.

Pro Tip: Don’t spend money on marketing unless you have solid proof of what you are selling. Quietly gather case studies and evidence before incorporating them into your sales and advertising processes.

4) Do you have an “Offer” prospect can’t refuse:

Craft an irresistible offer with added value, exclusive bonuses, or limited-time discounts.

Differentiate it from mere marketing claims by integrating it into your business operations.

Pro Tip: Make your offer unique and challenging for competitors to replicate.

5) Is your sales process prompting Immediate action?

Create a sense of urgency that compels your audience to act.
Communicate the consequences of delay and emphasize the benefits of acting promptly.

Pro Tip: This can be a free instalment, 1 month free (if before...), etc.

6) Bonus TIP (6th driver): Provide a Rock-Solid Guarantee.

In some cases, show your commitment by having a small part of your fee or cost as a skin-In-Game component.

Next post:
The Mistake of Spending Money to Drive Sales Without Establishing a Profitable Backend

(Making money looks easy with salespeople and advertising platforms, but it can often come at your expense.)



Subash Franklin

Founder- StratSprint Consulting | Increasing sales and cutting costs for companies by implementing Automated Sales Machine